Welcome To GTE Track Spray

Staff Training

Staff Training

“Our staff are our business. It is important to continue the learning process to enable all staff the skills that may be needed to support each other and share those new skills amongst the organisation for the benefit of all stakeholders.” Vera Curnow OCM.

Knowledge is a powerful tool when we use it wisely. At GTE Track Spray, Vera has been furthering her own skills through multiple training courses including for some hot topic areas of mental health, risk and hazard assessment and controls with review of auditing practices.

As a key performance indicator at GTE with respect to knowledge sharing, these learnings are shared amongst the staff at GTE through conversations, correspondence and at our safety and toolbox meetings to allow the opportunity for further conversations around some of these vital topics. Staff welfare is key to maintaining our high level of services as is the training each staff develop for their various roles within operations and administration.

With GTE operating out of two distinct locations in Victoria (Head Office) and Western Australia (Welshpool), systems development for the added communication demands have been working well and taking GTE to new strengths in our robust IMS and administration delivery services.

Customised reporting and reviews are being refined each season. Client feedback has been welcoming and grateful for our continued works in these areas. Administration support services remain a key component of how GTE delivers exceptional value for money and results for each of our network clients.